Standing With Temp Workers

Since the year 2000, the Chicago Workers Collaborative has been the organizing home for Temporary Workers across Illinois. Together, we have lifted the voices of these workers, a million-strong, who are essential for our state’s economy despite working in the shadows.

What We Do

  • Organize Together

    We are organizers first and we believe in the power of collective action to deliver results for workers. We are always ready and willing to support workers to stand up for their rights at work, no matter the barriers.

  • Support Working Families

    Through our direct outreach, we have helped connect thousands of families to community resources and critical information to meet their immediate needs, including around health, immigration, and criminal justice issues.

  • Supply Legal Defense

    Our recently expanded legal clinic, based in Elgin, IL, provides pro-bono legal support for workers for issues including but not limited to immigration issues and workplace disputes.

  • Advocate

    Since the beginning, we have successfully advanced policies to better protect Temporary workers across the state. Our policy accomplishments have been nationally recognized and replicated in other states.

Campaign Spotlight

Recent victories that deliver major benefits for Temp Workers and working people across Illinois.


Our Impact

“Encontrarme con CWC fue una bendición que cambió mi vida completamente. Me ayudaron a pedir mi permiso de trabajo a mi y a mis hijos. El permiso cambió mi salud mental completamente, me siento empoderada y más segura. Ahora camino por las calles sin miedo.”

Miriam Tellez, Temp Worker

“Chicago Workers Collaborative has established itself as a respected, go-to organization in Illinois: Leading the fight for immigrant workers’ rights through advocacy, education & outreach, and exceptional legal services - all led and staffed by directly impacted people. The Resurrection Project is a proud partner of CWC”

Jane Lombardi, Director of Immigrant Justice Partnerships at The Resurrection Project

“CWC me ayudó a informarme, aplicar y conseguir mi permiso de trabajo en solo 3 meses y sin ningún costo. Ahora estoy más tranquila y puedo buscar un trabajo estable. Aprecio mucho que los organizadores de CWC siguen pendientes de mí y me invitan a ser parte de eventos donde me informan sobre mis derechos laborales.”

Guadalupe Sanchez, Temp Worker

“CWC me enseñó que merezco respeto y que no debo permitir que vulneren mis derechos. Yo quiero que todos sepamos que nosotros sí tenemos derechos, ya no nos dejemos pisotear. Al final del día solo pedimos trabajar, para eso venimos a este país. Somos gente honrada y trabajadora. Ya basta de que nos humillen. Perdí el miedo. Bendito sea dios, gracias a dios me puso a cwc en mi camino.”

Elisa Ortiz, Temp Worker

“The Chicago Workers Collaborative has been a vital force in protecting and advancing the rights of vulnerable and exploited workers in Illinois for over twenty years. The organizing they do gets at the heart of what the labor movement is all about, making the impossible possible through the power of worker solidarity.”

Tim Drea, President IL AFL-CIO

“Yo siempre lo he dicho estoy muy agradecido con CWC, nos capacitaron, nos dieron muchas clases, nos certificamos en OSHA para la seguridad. Gracias a CWC salgo tan capacitado y siento que me abrieron los ojos. Cómo reportar accidentes y cosas que están mal.”

Guillermo Sabala, Temp Worker

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